
STEM Girls

Page history last edited by Beth Thomsett-Scott 13 years ago

Welcome to STEM Girls: Resources to Interest Girls in STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Careers

– An Annotated Bibliography



This project, supported by a 2008 Carnegie-Whitney grant from the American Library Association, provides a list of items that have the potential to attract girls into science-based careers. Despite efforts over the years, the number of women in STEM careers is still sadly disproportionate to the overall numbers of people in the fields. It is my hope that this site will be used by girls, teachers, counselors, and parents to find and use resources to interest girls in considering STEM careers.


Through the grant, I was able to hire students to provide annotations for a number of resources. For the project to be successful, we need more items added. Please create a pbwiki account and add resources and annotations. I ask only that you do not modify items that are currently listed.


Table of Contents:


What Careers are Out There?

Being Female and Working in Science

Inspirational Biographies and Autobiographies

Encyclopedias of Female Scientists

Resources for Teachers, Counselors, and Parents

Organizations Supporting Women in the Sciences

Scholarships, Grants, Awards for Females in the Sciences

Increasing Self-Esteem 


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